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《Micro-movie: The Flash of Thinking (微电影:一念对错)》
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摄影器材:佳能(CANON) 佳能 EOS 5D
评 论:2
作者介绍: 程治博(Dylan),在校学生,喜摄影,好风光,兼人文。 作品得分: 5
作品概括: It tells the conflict between feelings and principles experienced by a highway law enforcement official during law implementation. To abide by the rules or to win the flavor by neglecting the law leads to different ending. The right and wrong is just the product during flash of thinking and principles should always be obeyed. I worked as a photographic assistant. Participate in the creation of the team, is a kind of artistic influence, is also a kind of life inspiration. ADDRESS: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc4MTYxOTExMg==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0 微电影《一念对错》:讲述一名公路路政执法队员在执法过程中,面对情与法的考验,所经受的情感与原则的交量与碰撞,是守纪律讲规矩坚守原则,还是循情枉法赢得青睐,一念对错,警示人生不同的结局。参与这个创作团队,是一次艺术的熏陶,也是一种人生的启迪。 NETWORK ADDRESS: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc4MTYxOTExMg==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0
网友评论 | comment
坦然淡然  2016-10-31 06:27:40  我的最新作品:

[创始人]唐伯虎  2016-10-29 09:54:26  我的最新作品:黄岩九峰公园

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